Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il relay system has an advantage in that ewes coming into heat have access to a fresh ram, On the other hand Lindsay and Robinson (1961la) found that more ewes were served per ram in mating groups where at any one time three rams were used rather than one., This could be important for, in addition to achieving a more uniform distribution of matings over the ewes in oestrus at a particular time, it also helps to overrule any incompatibilities that might exist between particular males and females. The results in group 3 are from a relay system employing three rams together, The advantages accruing to this latter system as opposed to those discussed are statistically significant (P<0,05) in terms of the percentage conceptions at the induced oestrus. This three ram re- lay system apparently incorporates the advantages of the other two systems, while excluding the major disadvantages. SUMMARY While no clear effect of the timing of injection of PMS was evident in the results, the administration of PMS did significantly enhance the response to treatment, A significant difference is shown in favour of joining the rams at pessary removal, Employing a group relay ram system proved significantly superior to the other systems of ram management studied, REFERENCES Gordon, I. (1958b) - Studies in the Extra-seasonal Production of Lambs - J, Agric. Sci,, 50:: 152, Crowley, J.P. (1964) - The Extension of the Breeding Season in Sheep - Proc. 5th Int. Cong. Anim Reprod. A.I. (Trento) 2 : 378. Robinson, T.J. (1965b) - Use of Progestegen Impregnated Sponges Inserted Intravaginally or Subcutaneously for the Control of the Oestrus Cycle in the Sheep - Nature (Lond). 206 : 39, Roberts, E.M. & Edgar, D.G. (1966b)., - Timing of Injection of Pregnant Mares Serum for the Anoestrous Breeding of Ewes - Nature (Lond). 212 :1048, Lindsay, D.R. & Robinson, T.J. (1961la) - Studies on the Efficiency of Mgting in Sheep; the Effect of Paddock Size on the Number of Rams - To Agric. SCio 57 - 1370 1465