Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. II SYNCHRONISATION OF OESTRUS IN AYRSHIRE HEIFERS BY THE USE OF PROGESTINATED INTRA-VAGINAL SPONGES P. G. HIGNETT and H. BOYD Department of Veterinary Reproduction, University of Glasgow Veterinary Hospital, Bearsden Road, Bearsden, Glasgow, Scotland. INTRODUCTION. Robinson (1965) described the use of polyurethane sponges for the intra-vaginal administration of progestogens to obtain synchronisation of oestrus in ewes. A similar technique has been used in cattle in which, although the numbers have been small, the results have been similar to those obtained with sheep (Mauléon and Rey, 1966; Shimizu, Toyoda , Takeuchi, Kawai & Adachi, 1967; Carrick & Shelton, 1967). During the summer of 1967, we had the opportunity to investigate the use of spoBges containing one of two synthetic progestogens, l7a-acetoxy- a-fluoro-llb-hydroxy—quregnene— 3,20 dione , and l7a-ethyl-hydroxynorandrostenone’ . MATERIALS AND METHODS. Forty virgin heifers between 15 and 13 months old were brought together on June 16th. Each heifer was examined per rectum to ensure that the genitalia were palpably normal, and each was fitted with a KaMaR heatmount detector (Boyd & Hignett, 1968). They were divided at random into four treatment groups. Group 1. Cronolone (200 mg.) sponges inserted SO s removed 21.8.67. Group 2. & 0 tt inserted 10.7.67., ; removed 31.7.67. The above two groups were injected intramuscularly with 750 i.u. mare serum gonadotrophin at the time of sponge removal. Group 3. Nilevar (800 mg.) sponges inserted BB removed 21.8.67. Group 4. " it 3 inserted 10.7.67., removed 31.7.67. All heifers in oestrus between August 21lst and 3lst inclusive were inseminated. Sponges which were expelled were replaced by new ones, usually within 24 hours. ¥ 'Cronolone', G.D. Searle & Co. Ltd. 75 'Nilevar' z " n n n 1453