2, Lactating sows with litters (154 animals), Large White, Essex and Welsh cross-bred stock, individually fed, were allocated to one of three treatments, (a) Methallibure (Group LM). Thirty four sows received in their morning feed a premix containing 150 mgm of methallibure, for 7 successive days starting 4-7 days before weaning, (b) Methallibure + PMS (Group LMP)., Thirty eight sows treated as in 2(a) received additionally 1000 i,u, PMS subcutaneously on the last day of treatment (day 7Ye (c) Methallibure + PMS + HCG (Group IMPH). Nineteen sows treated as in 2(b) were given 500 i, u, HCG intra- muscularly, 72 hours later (day 10 of the treatment), (d) Untreated (Group U). Sixty three sows were weaned conventionally to obtain additional control data on breeding performance, All animals were artificially inseminated, Those receiving HCG were inseminated 24 hours after injection of this hor- mone, All other groups were inseminated 24 hours after the onset of a 'standing reflex!, The dates of onset of the reflex, insemination, return to service or farrowing, and litter-size 24 hours post-partum were recorded, RESULTS, Table I shows, for each group, the interval bc.ween the last day of methallibure treatment and the onset of oes- trus, and the fertility and fecundity of animals artificially inseminated at the controlled time, In the gilts and dry sows, 71% of Group MPH first showed a standing reflex on the 6th day after treatment; without administered gonadotrophins Group M)the maximum synchronised on one day was 35% on the 6th day, Of the lactating sows, 6% in Groups LMP and LMPH showed oestrus on the 4th day after stopping methallibure, whereas in Groups LM and U the corresponding results were 37% on the 5th day after methal- libure or weaning., These differences between Groups M and MPH, and between Groups LM, U and LMP, LMPH are significant (P <0,001), The differences in farrowing rates and mean 1itter sizes between the gilt Groups, or the lactating sow Groups are not significant (P ยข0,005), Thus, neither the use of gonadotrophins as described, nor fixed-day insemina=- tion had an adverse effect on the reproductive capacity of the animals, DISCUSSION. The experimental basis for the technique used in gilts and dry sows in these trials has been discussed (3). The results described confirm the applicability of the tech- nique to field conditions, Equivalent experimental information is not available for the lactating sow; the treatment applied was empirical and 1450