Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. OF INSEMINATION DATES IN PIGS FIELD EXPERIMENTS ON THE PRECISE CONTROL T.W, GROVES Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, Pharmaceuticals Division, Alderley Park, Macclesfield, Cheshire, U.K. It has been shown exverimentally (1), and under farm conditions (2), that the drug methallibure® may be used to synchronise oestrus cycles of mature gilts without affecting their fertility or fecundity. More recently (3) it has been demonstrated under controlled conditions that ovulation can be induced to occur at 2 predictable time in gilts by treat- ment with methallibure followed by pregnant mares serum (PMS) and human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG). Imnroved conception rates and comparable embryo sur- vival rates were obtained when artificial insemination was aprlied in relation to the planned date of induced ovulation comnared with those obtained when insemination was timed in relation to the vhenomena of oestrus, The results presented here describe the use of a tech- nigue of ovulation control and fixed-day insemination in gilts and dry sows, and examine the effects of avplying similar principles of controlled breeding to the lactating sow at weaning time, MATERIALS AND METHODS 1, Gilts, and sows showing regular oestrus cycles (144 animals). Stock on commercial farms of the Large White breed and crosses with Landrace, Essex and Welsh pigs, were 2llocated to one of the two treatments, Individual or group-feeding was employed, (a) Methallibure (Group M), A premix containing 100 mgm of methallibure was added to the morning feed of 51 animals on 20 successive days, irrespective of the stage of the reproductive cycle in each case, (b) Methallibure + PMS + HCG (Group MPH). Ninety three animals were treated with methallibure similarly; on the following day (day 21) 750 i.,u., of PMS was given sub=- cutaneously and 96 hours later (day 25) 500 i,u. HCG, intramuscularly,. (1) C. POLGE, 1965, Vet,Rec., 77 : 232, (2) T.W, GROVES, 1967, Vet.Rec., 80 : 475, (3) C. POLGE, B.,N. DAY & T.W. GROVES, 1968, In press. +'AImax', Trade Mark of Imperial Chemical Industries Limited. 1449