Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. I as gilts in Experiment I were used for the study. Five replicates, three of gilts and two of sows, were used for the experiment. Each replicate contained approximately equal numbers. The gilts ranged in weight from 90 to 160 kg. The sows ranged in weight from 160 to 260 kg. RESULTS. Experiment I. Seventy-eight percent of the gilts expressed estrus on the fifth, sixth, or seventh day after the end of treatment. The mean number of days required to return to estrus was 5.4. The conception rate after first service was 91.6%. The farrowing rate of the first service gilts was 867%. Litters averaged 9.7 pigs born alive. The average weight gain of animals on treatment was 4.8 kg. No gilts expressed estrus while on treatment. Experiment II. Eighty-three percent of the gilts and 70% of the sows expressed estrus on the fifth, sixth, or seventh day after the end of treatment. The mean number of days required to return to estrus after the end of treat- ment was 5.6 and 5.9 for the gilts and sows, respectively. Conception rate, based on the first service, for the gilts and sows was 887% and 90%, respectively. The average litter size was 9.0 for the gilts and 11.2 for the sows. The farrowing rate of first service animals was 81% for the gilts and 76% for the sows. Average weight gain of the gilts for the 20-day treatment period was 4.0 kg.; average weight gain for the sows was .5 kg. Two sows in one repli- cate expressed estrus while on treatment and 18 and 19 days later. DISCUSSION. These data show that ICI 33,828 was effective in altering the estrous cycle and synchronizing estrus when gilts and sows were group-fed a dose level of 125 mg. of ICI 33,828 per head per day. There were no differences between replicates within year or between years in the time required for the gilts to return to estrus. The average number of days required to return to estrus for the sows in Experiment II was different from that observed for the gilts that were fed the same dose 1443