ont éte saillis naturellement. Quatre-vingt-un pour-cent des animaux présenterent un oestrus cing a sept jours apres cessation du traitement. Le nombre moyen de jours exige pour retourner en oestrus fut 5.5. Le taux de conception aprés le premier service fut 89.6%. Le taux de naissance du premier service fut 86%. Une moyenne de 9.5 cochons par couche furent nés viables. On n'observa aucune différence significative dans le precessus de reproduction entre les répliques au cours d'une année ou entre les années. Studies (1) and (2) showed that l-a-methylallylthio- carbamoyl-2-methylthiocarbamoylhydrazine (ICI 33,828) was effective in controlling the estrous cycle and synchronizing estrus of female swine. Studies (3), (4), and (5) demon- strated that a daily dose of 100 mg.-200 mg. of ICI 33,828 was effective in synchronizing estrus and resulted in no adverse effects on conception rate, embryo survival, or litter size. This experiment was designed to determine the effect of estrous synchronization on the progeny of gilts that had been synchronized the previous year and if the estrous synchronization could be used effectively, along with other production practices, in a swine production unit. MATERIALS AND METHODS. General. Two separate experiments were conducted, one in 1966 and one in 1967. All gilts used in the studies were at least seven months old. All sows had been synchronized the previous year and had demonstrated normal reproductive performance. All animals were group-fed a daily ration of 2.27 kg. containing 125 mg. of ICI 33,828. Treatment was initiated at unknown stages of the estrous cycle and continued for 20 days. All animals were bred by natural service. Experiment I. One hundred seventy-one gilts that were progeny of gilts that had been synchronized the previous year were assigned to six replicates. The replicates were started at seven-day intervals with approximately an equal number of gilts. The gilts ranged in weight from 85 to 157 kg. Experiment II. Ninety-two gilts that were offspring of the gilts in Experiment I and 26 sows that had been synchronized 1442