Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il SYNCHRONIZATION OF ESTRUS AND REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE OF GILTS AND SOWS EED GICT 535828 R JSGERRITS R 05 HETZER rand R T “KOUBA USDA, ARS, Animal Husbandry Research Division Beltsville, Maryland, USA SUMMARY . The study was conducted in the same swine herd in two successive years. Two hundred and eighty-nine gilts and sows were group—-fed a daily ration of 2.27 kg. containing 125 mg. of l-a-methylallylthiocarbamoyl-2-methylthiocarbamoyl- hydrazine (ICI 33,828). Six replicates were treated the first year, and five were treated the second year. Treat- ment was initiated at unknown stages of the estrous cycle and continued for 20 days. All animals were bred by natural service. Eighty-one percent of the animals expressed estrus on the fifth, sixth, or seventh day after the end of treat- ment. The mean number of days required to return to estrus was 5.5. The conception rate after first service was 89.6%. The farrowing rate of the first service animals was 867%. Litters averaged 9.5 pigs born alive. No significant differ- ence in reproductive performance was noted between replicates within year or between years. RESUME. L'étude fut conduite sur un méme troupeau de cochons pendant deux années consécutives. Deux cent quatre-vingt- neuf truies adultes et jeunes furent nourries en groupe d'une ration journaliére de 2.27 kg. contenant 125 mg. de l-a- methylallylthiocarbamoyl-2-methylthiocarbamoylhydrazine (ICI 33,828). Six répliques de truies furent traités pendant la premidre année, et cinq pendant 1'année suivante. Le traitement fut commencé lors d'étapes inconnues du cycle oestral et continué pendant vingt jours. Tous les animaux 1441