There was no indication that conception rate or number of lambs was in any way affected by repeated treatments. Because treatments were imposed at less than yearly inter- vals, matings occurred and lambs were produced throughout the year. There was no indication that any one progestogen treatment was superior to the others. All treatments were equally effective. SUMMARY. Estrus and mating was controlled in 57 Rambouillet cwues at 8 to 12 month intervals over a 53 month period. Estrus was controlled by a 14 day treatment of either an orally administered progestogen or by subcutaneous silicone rubber implant impregnated with a progestogen. After a progestogen treatment during the anestrous season from January to July each ewe was given 500 IU of pregnant mare's serum gonadotrophin (PMS). PMS was not given during the estrous season from August to December. Lambs were produced in each month following 243 of 260 treatments. Lambing rate was 1.5 lambs/lambing. Because lambings occurred at 8 to 10 month intervals, the yearly rate was 1.9 lambs/ewe/year. Fertility was maintained at a normal level throughout the 53 month period. (1) E. M. Roberts and D. G. Edgar, 1966. J. Reprod. Fert. 12:561-564. (2) C. V. Hulet and W, C. Foote, 1967. J. Animal Sci. 26:545-548. (3) F. C. Hinds, P. J. Dziuk and J. M. Lewis, 1964. FesAnimalesSoils. 235782 -7 86% (4) P. J. Dziuk and B. Cook, 1966. Endocrinology. 78:208-211. 1430