Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il REPRODUCTION IN EWES TREATED REPEATEDLY TO CONTROL ESTRUS P. J. DZIUK, B. B. DOANE and T. J. REIMERS Department of Animal Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, U.S.A. Interest in repeated treatments to control estrus and shorten the interval between lambings has been stimulated by the development of potent progestogens (1,2,3). The following study was conducted to determine the effect of repeated treatments to control estrus on reproductive performance in the euwe. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Fifty-seven Rambouillet ewes managed under normal flock conditions were treated at intervals of 8 to 12 months over a period of 53 months. The number of treatments per ewe varied from 2 to 6 with a total of 260 treatments giving a mean of over 4 treat- ments per ewe. The ewes received one of the following progestogen treatments for 14 days, 71 mg of 6-methyl-17- acetoxyprogesterone (MAP) per ewe daily orally, 1 mg of 6-chloro- 5-17 acetoxyprogesterone (CAP) per ewe daily orally, 200 ugm of 17-acetoxy-6-methyl-16-methylene-pregna- 4,6-diene-3,20-dione (MGA) per ewe daily orally, or a subcutaneous implant of silicone rubber and 5% MGA (4). Following treatment during January to July, 500 IU of PMS were given subcutaneously whereas during August to December no PMS was used. Groups of 8 to 10 ewes were penned with one ram at the time of mating to maintain pedigrees. Data were recorded on date of estrus, date of lambing and num- ber and sex of lambs. RESULTS. Three hundred sixty-three lambs were produced following 243 of the 260 treatments to matings occurring within 35 days after withdrawal of the progestogen. The number of lambs per ewe lambing was 1.5 and the number of lambs per ewe per year was 1.9 because intervals between lambings were less than one year. Examples of euwes lambing at less than 12 month intervals after repeated treatments are shown in table 1. TABLE 1. Examples of Reproductive Performance after Repeated Treatment to Control Estrus Interval between Lambs/ first treatment ewe/ Ewe and last lambing Lambings Lambs year days no. no. no. 1 485 2 4 3i5:0 2 856 5 6 2.6 3 1216 4 7 2ier] 4 1378 B 9 2%4 5 1766 6 12 245 1429 39