VIe CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il A field trial on synchronisation of oestrus in gilts by admini- stration of "Aimax" !ICI 33.828) Dr. S.U.J.van Dieten A.I.-Centre "De Kempen", Oerle, Netherlands. One of the most serious problems in the application of artificial insemination (a.i.) is the determination of the oestrus in order to fix the exact time of insemination. Especially this is a problem in gilts, because a constant checking for oestrus is necessary; in sows the occurrence of the oestrus should be watched from the fourth day after weaning. The starting point for this research is: synchronisation of oestrus in gilts may facilitate and improve the checking of their being in oestrus, and in doing so the results of the A.I. may be improved; for the pig-breeder needs to check for a limited number of days only. The present papsr reports a field trial of synchronisation of oestrus in gilts by administration of "Aimax"x (ICI 33.828) and the effects on the reproduction. Because this is a field trial, literature reference is made only to Gerrits C.S. (1964), Groves (1967) and Polge (1964). Materials and Methods On 9 farms, a total number of 77 gilts were divided each time into 2 groups, as uniform as possible (same litter). The gilts were of the "Nederlands Landras" and from 6 - 10 months old with an average weight of approximately 100 kg. "Aimax" had been administered te one group, the other group was the control group, In principle 1 mg "Aimax" per kg bodyweight was administered to the treated group. The period of administration varied on the farms from 17 to 22 days. In order to administer simply and yet correctly, it was done as follows: The drug was supplied as a premix in talcum powder. One tablespoon of this premix contained 100 mg of the drug; this is the daily dose for one gilt (average weight of 100 kg). The premix was supplied in labelled tins containing exactly enough compound for a 20-day treatment of 1 gilt. Each farmer was supplied with as many tins as treated animals were in his group. (The premix was added by the farmer to the morning food=ration of the gilts). For sach trial group and matching group all data were stated on specially designed forms, such as identification, date of birth, dose, initial and final date of administration, date and quality of the heat, mating or a.i. and the results. As to the heat data are stated on the standing-reflex, swelling of the vulva and the secretion from the vulva. The trial was conducted completely from the a.i.-centre and the farms were visited regularly (at least once a week). 1425