Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. I Table 1. O 0 0, d esponge dat Group No. of No, of sows on No., of sows farrowing to sows oestrus during lactational mating lactation 1 6 0 0 2 5 1 1 3 6 2 2 4 7 5 4 Stage 2, The success of the treatment applied to Group 4 was evaluated using larger numbers of animals. The oestrous res- ponse and pregnancy response data are shown in Table 2, Table 2. Oestrous response and pregnancy response data e Group No., of No. of sows on No. of sows farrowing to sows oestrus during lactational mating lactation 1 11 0 0 4 18 16 11 In those sows in Group 4 showing oestrus during lactation, the mean interval from PMSG injection to oestrus was 4.2 days. In those sows in Group 4 which farrowed as a result of mating during lactation, the mean interval between the birth of suc- cessive litters was 143.8 days compared with 169.6 days for control sows. The mean number of young born as a result of lactational matings in Group 4 was 9.7 compared with 10.5 for control sows mated at the post-weaning oestrus. The mean growth rate to weaning of the young of concurrently pregnant and lac- tating sows in Group 4 was normal when compared with controls. (1) A.C.WARNICK, L.E.CASIDA & R.H.GRUMMER, 1950. J.Anim.Sci. 9:66-72. (2) J.F.BURGER, 1952. Onderstepoort no.2 218pp. (3) H.HEITMAN Jr, & H.H.COLE, 1956. J.Anim.Sei. 15:970-977. (4) H.L.SELF & R.H.GRUMMER, 1958. J.Anim. Sci. 173862-868. (5) F.H.A.MARSHALL & J.HAMMOND, 1937. Bull.lMinist.Agric. Fish Fd., Lond. No.32. (6) A.D.ALLEN, J.F,LASLEY & A.W.UREN, 1957, J.Anim.Sci. 16: 1097 (Abstract). (7) W.M.PALMER, H.S.TEAGUE & W.G.VENZKE, 1965. J.Anim.Sci. 2L35/1-545. (8) von D.SMIDT, B.SCHEVEN & J.STEINBACH, 1965. Zlichtungs- kunde 37:23-36. (9) H.H.COLE & E.H.HUGHES, 1946. J.Anim,Sci. 5:25-29. (10) D.M.SMITH, 1961. N.2. J.agric.Res. 4:232-245. (11) D.B.CRIGHTON, 1961. M.Sc. thesis, University of Edinburgh. (12) This work was supported by a grant from the Pig Industry Development Authority. The PMSG used was a gift from Burroughs Wellcome and Co, 1417