Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. I THE BACTERIAL FLORA OF PROGESTIN IMPREGNATED VAGINAL PESSARIES FROM SHEEP AND GOATS C.A.V. BARKER Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario, Canada. In 1964 progestin impregnated sponges were reported by Robinson (1) as a method for synchronizing estrus in sheep when applied intravaginally. In this report a detailed bacteriological examination was made on 18 sponges from two experiments. A large number of bacteria were present in all sponges. The flora in one experiment with one exception was non specific and no pathogens were detected. In the other experiment, Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated from all 12 sponges. Sheep dip may have been the source of the Pseudomonas infection. Fertility did not appear to be impaired. Since 1964, several reports have been made on the use of pessaries containing Cronolone() (2) in sheep, goats and cattle but only two have been noted in which the bacterial flora of the pessaries was examined and no interference with ability to conceive was attributed to the vaginal flora. Robinson (5) suggests the physical presence of the pessary stimulates the formation of an excessive amount of mucous which provides a suitable medium for bacterial growth. The present paper (6) concerns bacterial examination of Cronolone(@)pessaries removed from several flocks of sheep and the goat herd at the Ontario Veterinary College during the breeding seasons of 1965-1968. Materials and Methods - Fourteen small flocks of sheep and the one goat herd were used during four breeding seasons for obseryations on estrous control and synchronization. The pessaries were applied and removed as previously reported (3). Some of the pessaries on removal were placed in sterile containers (one in each container) and submitted to a bacteriological examination involving Gram's staining, culturing on blood agar plates, MacConkey's agar and sub culturing on differential media until identification of the organisms was made. More than one species of bacterium was usually recovered from each pessary. The present work was co-incidental to the main work of studying effectiveness of estrus suppression, synchronization and subsequent fertility and hence the information obtained in the main work was useful in relating as far as possible to the effect 1393