In the vagina small quantities of clear er greyish mucus of vary- ing viscosity was observed. The typical appearance of the vagina in normal luteal phase, with a pale and relatively dry m.m. and closed, cerrugated pertio, was noted only occasionally. Clearly arberizing crystal formations were generally evident in several areas of the smears of cervical mucus at the beginning and the end of the treatment periocd. Between these times little or no crystal formation was ebserved. Hormone administration beginning in full luteal stage. Table 1 shows hew the incidence of palpable follicles increased around the time of normal oestrus and remained high for the rest of the treatment. Corpora lutea regressed almost completely when hormene treatment continued for 17 days. At the point where heat should normally have occurred but for hormone treatment, the vaginal m.m. became pink and that of the portio pink to red. The portio was smeoth and partially or fully oepen with clear mucus at the external os. A fair amount of mucus generally accumulated in the forward part of the vagina. Colour was clear or greyish and visceosity relatively low. Arborization of cervical mucus increased at the time of normal oestreus from little or none te obvious arborization on several parts of the smears. Hormone administration beginning in the follicular stage. The in- cidence of follicles rese at the expected time for normal heat. Ovulation was prevented in 9 out of 11 heifers. Two heifers ovu- lated without showing external signs of heat at the beginning of treatment and c.l. developed from these ovulations (table 1). During treatment the vaginal m.m. remained pink and the portie m.m. pink to red. The portio was smooth and partially or fully open with clear mucus in the external os. An accumulation of mucus was usually present in the forward part of the vagina. It was generally clear and either a little viscous or thin. Clear arborization was censtantly present during treatment. In- creased arbeorization was noticed at the beginning of treatment when the animals should normally have come on heat. VULVA Marked enlargement of the vulva was observed in all groups by the 4th day of treatment. This remained se far 2-6 1390