Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF,, PARIS, 1968, VOL. li HEAT SYNCHRONIZATION OF HEIFERS WITH NORETHISTERONE (17- X - ethynyl-19-nortestosterone) G. Astrém and A. Bane Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Royal Veterinary College, Steckhelm 50, Sweden. Six experiments in heat synchronization of 134 heifers of the Swe- dish Red and White Breed were carried out in 1967 and 1968 in three different herds (table 2). 0,2-1 mg/kg body weight of nore- thisterone was administered pererally to the heifers once daily. Treatment continued for 17 days one group treated for 10 days only. In 83 heifers the course of the oestrus cycle was followed by observations of heat signs, repeated ovarian palpation and vaginal examination. In these animals hormone treatment began at different stages of the cycle: early luteal, full luteal and follicular stage. Before the first day of treatment (day 0) of 33 of these heifers and every 4th day during treatment, the ovaries were examined for the existence of palpable fellicles and corpora lutea(c.1.). The vestibulum, vagina and portio were alse examined, and the colour ef the mucus membranes (m.m.) noted. The vaginal mucus was judged according to gquantity, colour and viscosity and the portio according to its corrugation and degree of opening. Cervical mucus samples were taken for study of arborization. In the other animals treatment began at a randem point in the oestrous cycle. In 69 animals (trials IV, V and V1) the vulva and teat dia- meter were measured. In all experiments the heifers were inseminated with semen, used in routine insemination and known to produce a good conception rate. OVARIES AND VAGINA Table 1 shows the incidence of follicles and cerpora lutea at individual examinations when treatment began at different stages of the oestrous cycle. Development and regression of palpable follicles i.e. follicles with a diameter > 7-8 mm occurred during the period of hormone administration. The incidence of heifers with palpable follicles increased during this period. hormone treatment. Development eof cyclic c.l. was not prevented by treatment. In all animals a c.l. was palpable after 8 days treatment but in the majority this had regressed before treatment was terminated after 17 days (table 1). Vagina and pertio demon- strated slight changes fellowing the normal pattern. The colour of the mucaus membranes became less pale than normal hewever. The vaginal m.m. was pink and that of the portio pink to red. The portio generally remained smooth and a little open with a string of clear mucus in the external os. 1389