Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. I TABLE 5 Percentage distribution of ewes into classes with High, Moderate or Low numbers of tubal spermatozoa 24 hours after insemination - Number of spermatozoa High Moderate Low Total in tubes >6144 192-6144 <192 N Progestagen (n = 60) 5 67 28 100 Controls (n = 60) 55 35 10 100 - From Quinlivan & Robinson (1967) TABLE 6 Numbers of spermatozoa in regions of the tract of ewes 3 at intervals after insemination (x 107) Total ewes in each treatment group (n) = 10 - Region of tract Hours iii;;fi_ Vagina Cervix Uterus Tubes SARKER N s N s We bl N s 1 19087 22607 2581 2629 258 822 0. 31 051 12 2772 41 1215 2471 5828 228, 0560 24 1347 15 1072 153 88 7 81250 (RORYZ 36 1:E51 5 785 183 42 7 I 57 098 48 164 1 ST 12 22 5 0.63 " 031 - N = Normal; S = Synchronized. From Quinlivan & Robinson (1968) 1359