VIe CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. II TABLE 3 Sheep and Cattle - Possible causes of subfertility at sznchronized oestrus following progestagen treatment 1. Causes of failure a. Failure of fertilization J b. Embryonic mortality i. Non-lactating X i1 Seiac tatine J 2. Reasons for failure of fertilization a. Poor sperm transport and/or survival J b. Faulty sperm-capacitation X c. Faulty eggs X d. Faulty tubal environment X e. Non-synchronous oestrus and ovulation X 3. Reasons for faulty sperm transport and/or survival a. Cervical penetration - mucus X b. Motility of the tract X c. Faults in tract ) d. Faults in vagina 2 4. Reasons for faults in the tract a. Physical faults early after parturition v b. Endocrine status i. Progesterone-oestrogen interaction N ii. Other hormones ? 5. Reasons for embryonic mortality a. Faulty eggs X b. Late fertilization { cildEaulitse invtract 2 1353