Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VCL. Il C=0-N-Co- U8 150 N The results of the evaluation of seventeen investigated boars according to the fertility of their daughters in the course of four farrowings have shown considerable diffe- rences. On average for four farrowings the differences bet- ween the plus and minus variants was 12.07%. The rank list of boars changes from farrowing to farro - wing, and the differences in daughter fertilities were samller in the first and second than in the third and fo- urth farrowing in succession. According to the fertility of daughters,it was found that about 35% of the investigated boars increase the fertili- ty, while the rest of 65% showed a low fertility compared with the average of the investigated population. 1.- B.Simovié and M.Milojié, 1967., Review Res.Work at Fac. Agl‘., XV, 452, 1—9. 2.,- C.Legault et L.Ollivier, 1965., Ann.Zootech. 14:401- -4080 3.- D.Minkema, 1967. Veet. en Zuivelb. 10:161-172. 4e= JeP.J.S. van Oers, 1964, Veet.en Zuivelb. 7, 3:119-125. 5.— M.Milojié and B.Simovié, 1966. Review Res Work at Fac. AgI’. XIV’ 427. 1—100 e e +/ The Roman numbers designate the bogrs whoge daughter fertility is greater,while the ordinary flgures_mgrk the boars whose daughters showed a lower fertility than the average for the population.-— 1343