fertility was 10.35 (variations from 9.48-10.84). In the second farrowing the differences were more fronounced from 9e44=—11.50, In the third farrowing the variations were from 9.00-12.22, which was the greatest variation in the total investigation, while in the fourth farrowing the va- riations ranged from the least and most fertile daughters from 9.50-12.18 piglets. The data given in Table 1 may be of interest, showing the average fertility of individual breeding pigs expressed in absolute values throughout the four farrowings in suc- cession. By summing up total properties the best results were shown by daughters of boars N© 12 which rendered on average of four farrowings 1l.35 piglets, and the poorest, i.e., the least fertility had the daughters of boar NO 2 which on average produced 10.07 piglets. The difference between the extreme values in this period was 1.28 pig - lets per litter, which amounts to 12.075% between the va- lues of the given properties. If the average fertility for the whole population 1i. Qe for all daughters of the 17 investigated boars for four farrowings in succession is taken as 100%, then the devi- ations of individual boars differs from the average popula- tion, and it amounts to 95.00-107.07%.A11 the other boars were within the frame of these extreme ranges. However, if a rank list of these boars is made, as shown in Table HEs then we may see that 6 boars (or 35%) were superior compa-— red with the average of the total daughter population,whe- reas 11 boars (65%§ showed a poor fertility compared with the average for the whole population. Table l.- Fertility of daughters from the investigated boars ENO of Average In % of ave- - f yboars 1l-4 far- rage for po- Rank of list y ' rowing pulation 1 o) 10, 38 97,245 6 ! 12 10,07 95, 000 11 ! T 0006 103, 396 Iv ! Ll 10,57 97,169 8 ! f==5 10,87 102,547 VI ! 1 6 10,52 99,245 2 ! =<7 10,29 97,075 % ! 18 10,50 99,056 4 ! e 10, 34 97,547 5 ! 110 10,27 96,886 9 ! E1 11,37 105,377 L ! 12 11,35 107,075 I ! 113 10,54 99,433 i ! 114 11,00 103,773 LT ! 115 10y 5T 99,150 3 ! 116 10,90 102,830 v ! 117 10,10 95,283 10 !