Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. II Trends in some biological characters in an A,I, cattle population M.R. HEIMAN "on'" (A TaCoopaicarids il Esraels The almost exclusive use of Artificial Insemination (A.L.)in Israel Dairy cattle, the existence of many very large herds with skilled management, ready to cooperate in modern projects of science and investigation, an adequate extent of official milk- recording and the applicance of electronic computors to process available data, collected through the milk-recording system, made it possible to study and influence trends in some biological characters of reproduction and productive performance in cattle. 1. FREQUENCY OF CALVING-DIFFICULTIES (DYSTOCIA) AND CALF-MORTA- LITY AT AND AFTER PARTURITION (STILLBIRTH) . Dr. S.W.J. van Dieten's "Stillbirth in bovine cattle" (Utrecht 1963) and his perscnal communications (1964) accelerated our pending investigations and consequent breeding policy, concerning frequency of calving difficulties. Our computed data for calving from 1.10..64 to 1.10.66 dis- closed: for 42,120 cows (2 or more parturitions): 4,7% Stillbirth and 1,6% Dystocia y for 19,476 heifers: 12% Stillbirths and 9,1% Dystocia. The first year of registration revealed large differences between Sires, in calvings of their heifer-mates (carrying their service), D.eX. Sire No. of calvings of heifers % Stillbirth % Dystocia A 2 144 7,0% 4,9% B 105 8.6% 6,6% e 1 872 12,9% 9,2% D 192 15,1% 11,4% E 100 16,0% 11,0% There were no considerable differences for calving of adult cows. The resulting breeding policy was, tc use on heifers only bulls with low Stillbirth rates. Consequently, the results of the "ON" A.I. Center, revealed in the following year a pronounced drop of Stillbirth and Dystocia. In 1966/7 calved 5887 milk re- corded heifers in herds, inseminated by "ON", with a Stillbirth rate of 5,8%, a reduction by more than one third. This biological phenomenon, assessed by electronic computor and adequately applied by A.I. helps to effect a great reduction in the losses at birth. 2. GESTATION LENGTH The comprehensive work of Irma Benerjee (Holland 1964) on the gestation period in cattle stimulated our investigations, which at present include data, covering 3 years' calvings 64/67. 1333 33