1332 388 O Ay 20w Jvpvvpsod A)2vd $ 382 feginning of Maich end of Mazch Date of mating Fig.1 Embryonic mortality as a Fig.2 factor of regulating the optimal fertility in mink females with different dates of mating in the breeding season. 1234 567 8910 23 628910umi2 1-2 34 56 1-89-10 1/-12 13-15 littez size bitter size Cittez size Early postnatal mortality in different size litters of females of following genotypes: 1 - ppAA, ppaa; 2 - standard; 3 - PpAA, PpAa; 4 - ppaa; 5 - ppAA; 6 - ppAa; 7 - hh; 8 - Hh ( a,b - data for fur farm "Puschkinskij",- ter Belyaev,Evsikov,1962; ยข - da- ta for fur farm "Lesnoj" ).