Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il EFFECT OF VITAMIN B, (THIAMINE) DERIVATIVES ON MOTILITY AND VIABIL}TY OF BULL AND GOAT SPERMATOZOA Y. NISHIKAWA, T. FUKUKAWA, K. UTSUMI, and Y. SASAE (Faculty of Agr., Kyoto Univ., Kyoto, Japan) T. HAYAMI (Takeda Chemical Industries Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) The riotivation for this experiment to test the effects of thiamine derivatives on spermatozoa was the discovery of the fact that thiamine itself has no marked influence on sperm viability, but the addition of garlic juice to thiamine erhanced its effect remarkably. This experiment is composed of two parts. A. THE EFFECTS OF THIAMINE DERIVATIVES ON LIQUID AND FROZEN SEMEN. Materials and methods. The chemicals used were thiamine and 14 kinds of its derivatives. The semen of cattle and goat was diluted ten times with egg yolk citrate dilutor and stored at 4°C for liquid semen. Also thiamine propyl disulfide (the term TPD is used in this report), the most effective of the derivatives on spermatozoa, was added to semen on the 2nd or Lkth day of preservation and its effect examined. For the frozen semen of cattle and goat semen, the diluted semen was poured into 1 ml vinyl straws, cooled to below -80°C in a few minutes with liquid nitrogen vapor, and preserved in liquid nitrogen. The concentration of TPD used was about 60 ppm. The semen was preserved for 24 to 48 hours at L°C after thaw- ing and its motility was examined. Also conception trials were performed with frozen semen to which TPD was added. Results and discussion. 1. The result of adding the optimal concentration (10 to 60 ppm) of TPD on the 2nd and 4th day of storage when spermatozoa possibly already agéing are shown in Table 1. It is clear from these figures that TPD is very effective in enhancing viability of spermatozoa alresdy agéeing. In comparing the influence of several derivatives, on sperm viability some are found far more effective than thiamine its- elf, and TPD is most effective. Within the range of 10 to 10,000 ppm thiamine has no effect on sperm viability, but its high concentration has no harmful effect. On the contrary TPD is very effective in enhancing sperm viability at about 60 ppm, but it becomes very harmful at concentrations higher than a certain level. The same trend was observed in other kinds of derivatives. This may be due to excessive penetration into spermatozoa of the thiamine derivatives as mentioned later. The optimal concentrations of the thiamine derivatives on sperm viability vary according to individval bulls.