Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. I Thus in general rabbit semen tends to give a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction unlike that of the bull whose normal semen is slightly acid (Anderson, 1942) The correlations between fertility and the .four semen traits are generally lower than those obtained by Hulet and Ercanbrack (1962) for the ram. It is difficult to explain the difference in correlations between total sperm per ejaculate and fertility obtained by the two methods; however the mean number of sperm over a number of ejaculates is probably a better measure of fertilizing ability than the number in a single ejaculate, particul- arly when this is diluted prior to insemination. While a signific- ant negative correlation was obtained between pH and litter size in the present study, Hulet et al (1965) found no correlation between ram semen pH and fecundity in the ewe. The significant negative correlations between pH and other semen traits agree closely with the observations of other workers on bull (Anderson, 1942) and ram semen (Hulet and Ercanbrack, 1962). The latter workers found the correlation between pH and fertility to be almost as high as the multiple correlations for two fertility indexes derived. Thus, while the determination of pH is probably as good a single estimator of both semen quality and fertility as any other semen trait, its usefulness as a predictor of the fertility of a particular male is limited; in addition its repeatability is rather low. The observations of Hulet and Ercanbrack (1962) and Wiltbank, Rowden and Ingalls (1965) that it is difficult to accurately predict the fertility of individual rams or bulls are supported by the limited data of the present study. REFERENCES, Anderson, J. (1942). J. Agric. Sci. 32 : 298 Hulet, C.V. & Ercanbrack, S.K. (1962) J. Anim. Sci. 21 : 489 Hulet, C.V. Foote, W.C. & Blackwell, R.L. (1965) J. Reprod. Fert. 9 ยข 311 Lambert, W.V. & McKenzie, F.F. (1940) Circ. U.S.D.A. No. 576 Mann, T. (1964) The biochemistry of semen and of the male reproductive tract. Methuen, London & John Wiley, New York. More O'Ferrall, G.J. Meacham. T.N. & Foreman, W.E. (1968) J. Reprod. Fertil. 16 : 243 Wiltbank, J.N. Rowden, W.W, & Ingalls, J.E. (1965) Univ. Nebr. Agr. Expt. Sta. Res. Bull. 224,