Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il The DNA of rabbit spermatozoa aged in vitro and its relation to fertilization and embryo survival.. O.C. MILLER and A.W. BLACKSHAW Dept. of Dairy Science, University of lllinois, Urbana, Illinois, U.S.A. Fertilization failure and embryonic death play an important role in vertebrate reproduction. Recent work has shown that changes in the male gamete may be responsible for both types of loss. Aging of spermatozoa in vivo, after normal maturation leads to increased embryonic mortality (7). Tn vitro storage of bull spermatozoa at 4°C produces a daily fall in fertility of 2-6% following a small rise on the second day of storage. This decline in fertility is accompanied by a rise in embryonic death (2). MATERIALS AND METHODS. Rabbit semen was diluted to 100 x 106 total sperm per ml in I.V.T. diluent and stored at 4°C. Does were ovulated with HCG and inseminated with 33 x 106 sperm. Eggs were collected at 32 hr from half the does and examined for evidence of fertilization. The remainder of the does were examined at 15 days for embryo and corpora lutea numbers. Semen smears were prepared at the time of use and estimates of DN A made by the Feulgen stain (3) and acridine orange fluorescence techniques (4). In a second series of tests measurements were made of nuclear absorption of U.V. light at 260 mp and of the dimensions of the sperm head. Table 1. The Effect of In Vitro Aging of Rabbit Spermatozoa on Fertilization Rate and Embryo Survival Storage Period (days) 1 2 3 4 5 Fertilization 128 123 84 rate 196 (65.3) 183 783 (67-2) 51 (55. 6) (60 8) ]86(]2 4) (cleaved/uncleaved) Embryo 84 (60.0) Surigall.. L340 135 69-7) 137 (45.4) ;37 (29.4) 7(16.4) (Embryos/Corpora lutea) RESULTS. Fertilization rates rose slightly on day 2 of storage and were maintained fairly well until day 4 when there was a steep drop to very low levels on day 5 (Table 1). Embryonic survival also showed a small rise on day 2 but then declined linearly to a low level on day 5 (Table 1). Estimates of percent motile sperm were highly correlated with fertiliza- tion rate and embryo survival from day 2 to 5. (r = 0.81 and 0.76, respectively: P < 0,01). None of the estimates of DNA showed any 1275