Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il STABILITY OF THYMINE IN SPERMATOZOAL DNA DURING STORAGE IN VITRO H.H.KOEFOED-JOHNSEN, J,FULKA and V. KOPECNY Sterility Research Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark, Laboratory of Physiology and Genetics of Animals, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Libechov, CSSR During storage of spermatozoa in vitro their ferti- lizing ability gradually decreases. Loss of DNA has been recently considered as one of the possible causes for this decrease. SALISBURY et al., (8) were the first to ex press this supposition after detecting a decrease of Feulgen positive material in stored bull spermatozoa.The applicationdcytospectrophotometry in UV light and the investigation of spermatozoa from different parts of the genital tract, altered to a certain extent, the explicit- ness of the original hypothesis (2,3). The aim of the present work was to obtain further information about the possible influence of in vitro age- ing of spermatozoa on their DNA. For this purpose semi- quantitative autoradiography (ARG) of rabbit gpermatozoa labelled in thymine with tritium was employed, MATERIAL AND METHODS. Two male rabbits with normal semen production and good fertility were each injected at two day intervals with four decreasing doses of thymidine SH (Amersham, spec.activity 3.000 uc/mM),in a total of 1.3 mc/kg body weight., Ejaculates were collected regu- larly twice a week, and spermatozoa from the 42nd to the 56th day after the first injection were used for experi- ments. Fresh ejaculates were diluted in Tris buffer with egg yblk (6) and stored at 4°C and 37°C under the con- trol of antibiotics. Smears for ARG were prepared from fresh spermatozoa (O hrs),and from spermatozoa stored for 24 and 72 hrs at 4°C and 240 hrs at 37°C., Sperma- tozoa from the same ejaculates stored at 4°C for 0,12,24 48,60, and 72 hrs, respectively, were used for the con- trol of fertilizing ability. The procedure of insemina- tion and evaluation of ova 24 hrs after application of semen was the same as described previously (4). Before coating with liquid Ilford K 5 emulsion, smears were Feulgen stained (hydrolysis in 1 N HC1 for 12 min, at 60°C). Two exposure times , 8 and 12 days, were used for all preparations, Evaluation of autoradio- grams was carried out by two persons using a binocular microscope NfpK, Carl Zeiss, Jena,obj.90Hi,oculars 15 K in green light, Each observer counted from each storage interval grains overlying 500 individua] ,randomly chosen 1263