Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. I The fertility data for two bulls obtained with semen collected and frozen before and after seminal vesiculectomy is presented in Table I, Analysis of this data indicated no significant difference between the non return rate following insemination with semen obtained before or after surgery. CONCLUSION., The fertility trial results indicated that removal of the seminal vesicles did not alter the fertility level, Based on this limited trial it would appear that seminal vesiculectomy would not be beneficial for most bulls in commercial frozen semen service, REFERENCES 1, Lardy, H, A,, and Ghosh, D, 1952, Comparative metabolic behaviour of epididymal and ejaculated spermatozoa, Ann, N, ¥, Acade Scis i 594=5967 2, Barker, C, A, V, 1954, Low temperature preservation of bovine epididymal spermatozoa, Can, J, Comp, Med, 28: 390-393, 3 .. Eullatediges Sull covarsHerand Valenta, M, 1964, Protein poly- morphism of the seminal vesicles of bulls and the sensitivity of bull spermatozoa to cold shock, Blood Groups of Animals, Proc, 9th, Eur. Anim, Blood Group Conf, (Prague), 381-386, 4, -Shannon, Py ' 1965¢ “Presence of a heat-labile toxic protein in bovine seminal plasma, J, Dairy Sci, 48: 1362-1365, 5, Hunter, A, G,, and Hafs, H, D, 1964, Antigenicity and cross- reactions of bovine spermatozoa, J, Reprod, Fert, 7: 357-365, 6, Horney, F, D, Personal Communications, 1962, 1967, 7. Delahante, D, D, Personal Communications., 1962, 8. Steinbach, J,, and Foote, R, H, 1964, Post-thaw survival of bovine spermatozoa frozen by different methods in buffered-yolk, J, Dairy Sci, 47: 909-915, 9, King, G.J, 119685 Winfluenceiof seminal vesiculectomy on bovine semen, Ph,D, Thesis, U, of Guelph, 1261