Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. I THE EFFECTS OF SEMINAL VESICULECTIOMY ON FERTILITY OF FROZEN BOVINE SEMEN G, J, KING, and J, W, MACPHERSON Department of Animal Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, It has been demonstrated that bovine epididymal spermatozoa are fertile when used as liquid (1) and frozen semen (2) and are more resistant to cold shock than ejaculated cells (3), Bovine seminal plasma contains a toxic factor which depresses the livability of extended spermatozoa during storage (4). The accessory gland secretions also contain specific antigens (5) which could possibly be involved in antifertility reactions, Therefore, elimination of part or all of the seminal plasma may be beneficial for semen used in artificial insemination, This study was designed to investigate the feasibility of eliminating a major portion of bovine seminal plasma through surgical removal of the semimal vesicles and to compare the fertility of semen collected and frozen before and after the operation, MATERIALS AND METHODS, Seminal vesiculectomy was performed on four bulls using a chain ecraseur following a method suggested by Horney (6) and Delahante (7), Bulls were tranquilized, placed in a squeeze chute and the rump and perineal region shaved and disinfected, Caudel epidural anesthesia was obtained by injection of 2% procain hydrochloride into the epidural space, A vertical incision, 12 to 15 cm, long, was made in the pararectal fossa, The approach was continued by forcing through the coccygeal fascia, below the ventral border of the coccygeus muscle, and by enlarging this opening until the hand could be introduced into the pelvic cavity, The hand could then be directed forward, through the pelvic cavity, parallel to the rectum and pelvic urethra, In dairy bulls it was possible to proceed directly forward and palpate the seminal vesicles, The pelvic cavity of beef bulls contained large deposits of fat which were removed before the gland could be palpated, An opening was made through the peritoneum covering the gland using a special hooked instrument, Blunt dissection was then employed to free the seminal vesicle from its peritoneal sheath, Two surgeons worked alternately to accomplish this, A chain ecraseur was positioned around the gland and as close to the urethra as possible so that the base could be severed, A lock stitch was used for closure of the skin incision, The surgical procedure was then repeated on the opposite side, Bulls received intramuscular 1259