3. H.Huggins and N.Neal, J.Exp.Med., 76, 1942 4. E.S6rensen, Scand.Vet., 32, 358-373, 1942. 5. G.H.Beck, G.W.Salisbury , J,Dairy Sci., 26. 6. H.A.Lardy and P.H.Philips, J.Biol.Chem., 138, 195-202, 1941. 7. K.E.Erb, Ehlers, Nikota, Z., Schwars E., Washinton Agr.Expt.Sta.Techn.Bull., 2, 1950 8. T.Mann, the Biochemistry of Semen, London, 1954. 9, V.Cruz, J.Lodge and C.Graves, J.,Dairy Sci., 50, 4’ 1965. The effect of citric acid on the vitality of bovine spermatozoa G. KICHEV, P. MARINOV, G. KALEV, Z. ZAKHARIEV, S. ZLATAREV T Babaile i bbiieninimSeTia “F3TBul saria It was established that, in order to raise the hydro- gene-ionic concentration of the yolk-glucose-citrate diluter,from pH = 7,00 to pH = 6,40, it is necessary to add 10" ° 2,62 Mol/ml citric acid ; and to raise it from PH = 6,40 to pH = 6,00, it is necessary to add 10 3,175 Mol/ml citric acid. In 66,5 % of the ejaculates the addition of citric acid caused an activation of oxygen uptake and detention of the reductive capacity of spermatozoa. In the remaining 35,5 % this dependance was the opposite, i,e, a depression of oxygen uptake and activation of reduction. When larger quantities of citric acid were used, a protraction of the reduction period was observed in all the ejaculates. In 42,5 % of the ejaculates, increase of survival was observed in correlation with the concentration of citric 2,6 1258