Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF.,, PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION From the above mentioned experiments it is evident, that transaminases are present in boar spermatozoa but not in boar seminal plasma.After treatment of the spermatozoa with an Elvehjem Potter homogenizer, trans- aminase activity is obvious, but this is bound to the residues of the spermatozoa and it is not present in the watery solution. The fact, that after incubation of homogenized spermatozoa with water phenylpyruvic acid was not present, is well understandable, as spermatozoa do not contain free phenylalanine. The formation of a-keto-leu and of a-keto-B under these circumstances is comprehensible, as leu does occur free in sperma- tozoa and "B" can be liberated rather easily.The ob- servation, that valine cannot be transaminated, is in agreement with the fact, that a-keto-val cannot be detected in boar seminal plasma. Inexplicable remains the fact, that incubation of homogenized "normal" spermatozoa with "normal" seminal plasma results in formation of only a=-keto-leu and a=keto-B as after incubation of "bad" spermatozoa with "bad" seminal plasma also phenylpyruvic acid is present. It may be, that in both cases phenylpyruvic acid first is formed, but that in normal plasma it is converted immediately and in "bad" plasma is notj;it may be also, that the transamination of small amounts of phenylalanine is inhibited. These questions are still under investigation, the same as the isolation of the enzyme. The concentration of a-keto-leu is very low in normal boar seminal plasma and as already mentioned, a-keto-B is only present in a few cases. The presence of phenylpyruvic acid and ef relatively large amounts of w-keto-leu and a-keto-B in semen, may be an indi- cation that the spermatozoa are affected and in such a way, that transaminase activity can occur. Whether the presence of phenylpyruvic acid itself influences the fertility rate or that the damage of the spermatozoa is more important in this respect, has to be investigated. 1253 28