Commercially obtained a-aminocaprylic acid gives a spot upon the chromatograms on the same place as "B". "B" is being isolated and until it is obtained in a well crystallized,pure form, which can be investigated with I.R. and other means, complete certainty about its composition cannot be obtained; result 6 point also at the probability, that "B" is identical with a-aminocaprylic acid. "B'" occurs mainly in the sper- matozoa, probably bound to carbohydrates. "B" is libe- rated by boiling spermatozoa with 2N HCl. Possibly two isomers are formed."B" does not occur free. RESULTS INCUBATION EXPERIMENES l.Incubation of washed spermatozoa with seminal plasma did not result in a considerable change of thae keto acid composition,whereas after incupation of homogenized spermatozoa witn seminal plasma a large increase of the amounts of keto acids both quanti- tatively as qualitatively could be observed. 2.After incubation of nomogenized "normal'spermatozoa with "normal" seminal plasma,a-ketoglutaric acid, a-keto-leu and a~keto-B were present; after incuba- tion of homogenized "bad" spermatozoa with "bad" seminal plasma also rather large amounts of phenyl- pyruvic acid occurred. 3,After incubation of homogenized spermatozoa with water,a-keto-B and n-keto-leu were present and ax-keto- glutaric acid and pyruvic acid only in very small amounts. Phenylpyruvic acid was absent. 4.Incubation of homogenized spermatozoa and phe with water or with seminal plasma resulted in all cases in formation of phenylpyruvic acid. 5.Incubation of seminal plasma with phe did not result in formation of phenylpyruvic acid. 6.Tyrosine,leu and a-aminocaprylic acid were converted in respectively p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid,x-keto- leu and in a-keto-B after incubation of homogenized spermatozoa with water,but valine and alanine were not converted. 7T.After homogenization with water only the sperma- tozoa residues could produce transamination; the watery solution could not. 1252