Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. I DNA CONTENT OF BULL SPERMATOZOA AFTER FREEZING AND THAWING A HANADA and H.NAGASE National Institute of Animal Industry, Chiba-shi, Japan Besides the function of the sperm tail, or middle piece, atten- tion must be paid to the sperm head, especially the nucleic acid (DNA ), when sperm fertility is considered in connection with it's charact- eristics. From this point of view, we investigated the DNA content in bull spermatozoa before and after freezing and during preservation in the frozen state. GENERAL MATERTALS AND METHODS. Semen were collected from two normal Holstein bulls. All freezing of semen was done in pellet form (Nagase and Niwa, 196L) after dilution three times with two kinds of extender, and glycerol equilibration at 5°C for L hours. The details of experi- ments are described under each experimental results. DNA content in spermatozoa was determined by Feulgen-microspectrophotometry on smear- ed semen preparations, expressed in arbitrary units (A.U.), which were calculated from multiplying ODSéO with nuclear area in each sperm , and compared only within samples on a same slide but not with another slides. RESULTS, 1. One semen sample was divided into two parts. One part was left as it was, and the other Table 1. Comparison of DNA content was diluted with 20% yolk-10% in bull spermatozoa before and after lactose-glycerol (3.5% after freezing of semen. (Each N=28) dilution). After glycerol equi- e Fenlyegmois EAéU') sample was frozen for ten min- it N TSR Y- S i s utes and thawed. These three Raw 7.L9 0.218 samples were smeared at the Diluted 153 0.27hL same time. As shown in table 1 Frozen 735 0.318 , constant values of DNA con- tent were demonstrated through Difference within three samples was these semen processing. not significant in 5% level. 2. One semen sample was divided into four parts, and diluted with 20% yolk-3% citrate media, and glycerol (7% after dilution) was added only to two parts. Freezing was carried out on three parts and these were held frozen for one hour. Two frozen samples were thawed and stored at 5°C in like manner with unfrozen sample. The last fro- zen sample was stored in dry ice as a control. After preservation for 3 and 11 days, highest values of DNA content were demont irated in the frozen control sample (table 2). The effect of freezing and thawing was not clear after preservation for 3 days. But after 11 days, fro- zen and thawed semen showed lower level of DNA content than the un- frozen sample regardless of glycerol level. 3. Two bull semen samples were diluted with 20% yolk-3% citrate- glycerol (3% after dilution). After freezing in pellet form, semen was stored in dry ice or in liquid nitrogen in plastic tubes with caps. The difference in DNA content between samples stored in two cryogens was not significantly different during preservation for 55 1243