freezing, etc., are also interesting problems. 2) There have been many excellent studies on the metabolism of sperm in anaerobic conditions, particularly the reports on fructolysis and the sugars which are used as the substrate. It is thought that fructolysis works through the Embden-Myerhof pathway and, from the standpoint of basic studies and practice, we should turn our attention to the enzyme necessary for fructolysis and the influence of CO, partial pressure on the process. 3) With regard to the relationship between conditions of storage and morphological changes in the sperm, we should consider the DNA content of the cell and changes in the acro- some, etc. 4) Evaluation of fertilizing ability of spermatozoa. Today, it is still difficult to judge the fertilizing ability of spermatozoa correctly, without conception trials. However, there are some possible elements which might help evaluation. Those are: Motility of spermatozoa Respiration (O, uptake) Fructolysis Impedance change frequency (I.C.F.) Resistance of spermatozoa to temperature shock Resistance of spermatozoa to special solution Methylene -blue reduction (M.R.T.) Percentage and forms of abnormal spermatozoa DNA content of sperm head Plasmalogen content Condition of acrosome Others Although in recent years remarkable progress has been made in basic biological studies of the sperm during storage, there is a pressing need to discover methods for exact evaluation of fertilizing ability in vitro. It is to be earnestly hoped that someone amongst those of us who are active in this field will be able to solve this question which seems quite com- plex and difficult. Such success will do much to help in getting to the kernel of the problem. 1206