Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. I TABLE 1 The difference in fertility level as measured as nonreturns at 24 and at 200 days after insemination for each day of semen storage at 4°C when reported as the absolute % of cows inseminated and as the % of those considered pregnant at the date of first assay (24 days). Age of diluted semen at time of insemination (days)? I 2 > 4 5 Mean % cows insem. 20.2 7.3 Wl o205 el 17.9 % cows missing estrus for 24 days 2552 21.0 227 28.1 30.5 2229 aDay 1 = day of collection. TABLE 2 Conversion factor to change 46-167 day nonreturn fertility difference estimate to a 24-200 day fertility difference for each day of semen storage at 4 C. Age of diluted semen at time of insemination (days)® 1 2 3 4 5 Mean 24-200 day NR 46-167 day NR 1.98 2.02 1.96 252 2.05 2.04 aDay 1 = day of collection. 1201