Acknowledgments The author is indebted to his colleagues at the University of 11linois, especially Professors C. N. Graves and J. R. Lodge and Dr. Alan W. Blackshaw,a visitor in residence from the University of Queensland, Australia, 1967-68, for permission to mention some of their own findings and for their critique of this manuscript and to the United States Public Health Service for a grant to attend this Congress. References -— . BAKER, F. N., AND G. W, SALISBURY, Distribution of Feulgen- DNA in sperm populations. J. Animal Sci., 22: 815. 1963. 2. BAKER, F, N,, G. W. SALISBURY, AND J. R, LODGE. The variation of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) among spermatozoa within ejac- ulates of bull. Proc. Vth Internat. Congress on Animal Re- prod. and Artificial Insemination, Vol. 1l: 157-160. 1964. 3. BERCHTOLD, M. Untersuchungen {iber die Desoxyribonucleinsdure von Bullenspermien. Habilitationsschrift. Aus der Gyn3ko- logischen und Ambulatorischen Tierklinik der Universitdt Minchen - Vorstand: Prof. Dr. W. Baier. 118pp. 1965. 4, BERCHTOLD, M., AND G. W, SALISBURY, Determination of the melt- ing profile on bull spermatozoan DNA. JesDatryasSci., 46: 636. 1963. 5. BLACKSHAW, A, W., G. W, SALISBURY, AND N, L. VAN DEMARK, Factors influencing metabolic activity of bull spermatozoa. |. 37, 21, and 5° C. J. Dairy Sci., 40: 1093-1098. 1957. 6. BOUTERS, R., C. ESNAULT, R, ORTAVANT ,AND G. W. SALISBURY. Com- parison of DNA revealed by Feulgen and by ultraviolet light in rabbit spermatozoa after storage in the male efferent ducts. Nature, 213: 181-182. 1967. 7. BOUTERS, R., C, ESNAULT, G. W. SALISBURY, AND R. ORTAVANT, Discrepancies in analyses of deoxyribonucleic acid in rabbit spermatozoa, involving Feulgen staining (Feulgen-DNA) and ultraviolet light absorption (UV-DNA) measurements.J.Reprod. Fert: ,.14:,.355~363., .1967. 8. DE LA TORRE, LUIS, AND G, W. SALISBURY. Feulgen-DNA cytopho- tometry of bovine spermatozoa. J. Dairy Sci., 47: 284-292, 1964 . 9. GRAVES, C. N., AND G. W, SALISBURY, Incorporation of radio- activity from glycine into the DNA of mature bovine sperma- tozoa. Fed. Proc., 22: 2. 1963. 198