Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF, PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il Table 1, The Number of Roosters, the Volume and Con- sistency of Semen, the Sperm Count, the Number of Layers Used, the Number of Eggs Set, the Number of Settings, the Total and Average Number of Fer- tile Eggs, and the Average Per Cent of Fertility, Hatchability, Infertile, Dead in Shell, Dead Germs, and Hatch, ! XN i 1RANGE FOR ITEMS ‘REMARKS" ITEMS g AVERAGEl TUENTY 3 18 3 ;EETTINGS Total number} s sNumber of § $ - of roosters: 10 11_fertile eggsil,244,151 1,883 Average se=1i 1 ! 1 men volumes 13 Per Cent ' 1 82,69 - 911 i 89,3 95,64 Sperm Count: t sPer cent g5 e 3 illions 30-60 13_infertile 1 10,683 l7§31 3 11Per cent 1 1 : - Consistencys Milky s3i1_hatchabilitys 81,42s 90,07 Total numbers 13 Per cent 3 t of layers t1 dead in 1 3 3 i 350 131 _shell 3 17,5230 =42,27 Total numbe 1 4 11 Per cent (i T X T of eggs set124,883 11__dead germs 515 11,95 Total number: 1 : 1 of settingsi 20 113 ! : Total number: 11Per cent 3 157,60 = of fertile i 13 hatch ' 72,831 81,88 3z 3 Cooper, D, M, A Note on a Collection Apparatus for Avian Semen, Vet, Rec, 67 (1955) 331-332, Agcanas, P, B, and A, G, Navarro, Artificial Insemi- nation in Chicken, BAI, Dec., 19:7 (1957) 10, Wyne, J. W., R, O, Carter, M, G, Cartney and V, D, Chamberlin, Relation of Time of Insemination to Fertility in the Turkey. Poultry Sci, 38 (1959) 828-831, Boone, M, A, Chicken Fertility Needs Improvement, Philippine Farms and Gardens., 14 (1965), 1181