VIe CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il (1) C.S. SHAFFNER, E.W. HENDERSON and C.G. CARD, 1941. Poult. Seci., 20:259- -265. (2) C.S. SHAFFNER, 1942. Science, 96:337. (3) c. POLGE, A.U. SMITH and A.S. PARKES, 1949. Nature, @:666. (4) A.U. SMITH and C. POLGE, 1950. 1ibid., 166 :668. (5) A.S. PARKES, 195C. Proc. Soc. Stud. Fertil. (Camb), 2:12-15. (6) C. POLGE, 1951. Nature, 167:949. (7) T.E. ALLEN and L.W. BOBR, 1955 Poult.=Sele; l 1167-1169 (8) T.E. ALLEN, 1958. Proc. Aust. Soc. Anim. Prod., 2: :118-119. (9) C.E. CLARK and C.S. SHAFFNER, 1960. Poult. Sci., :1213-1220. (10)J.E. BROWN and C.G. HARRIS, 1963. ibid., _@:3}7-} 0 (11)C.S. SSHAFFNER, 1964. Proc. 5th. Inter. Cong. Anim. Reprod. A.I. 4:426-429, (12)K.” TANAKA, T. TOMITA and S. OKAMOTO, 1966. Jap. J. Zootech. Sei., 37:134-138. Table 1. The composition, pH and depression of freezing point of diluents used for this experiments Diluents pH 1 Depression of freezing point (—°C) A* 6.2 ' 0.58 Bx* 6.3 0.52 Cres 6.3 } 1.11 Dkx 6.5 1.08 Yamane’s solution 7.0 1.08 Locke-Ringer solution 71 0.61 Composition : *: 59¢, C4H,,0; solution 85 plus fresh egg yolk 15 s ” 95 ” 5 **%: 99, CoH,,0, solution 85 plus fresh egg yolk 15 RS ” 95 ” Yamane’s solution: One volume 6.5% Na,C,H;0;. 2H,O solution plus one volume fresh egg yolk plus two volume 9.0% CgH,;0; solution Locke-Ringer solution: NaCl 9.0g, KCl 0.42g, CaCl, 0.24g, dextose 0.5g, MgCl; 0.2g and NaHCO; 0.5g per distilled water 1,000 ml. Diagram 1. Temperature change in freezing and thawing of the chicken semen A) Four freezing methods of the chicken semen 1) 37°C (diluted with diluent, addition of glycerol) ---~> 20°C (glycerol equilibration) — -79°C 2) 37°C (diluted with diluent) ----> 20°C (glycerol addition and equilibration) — -79°C 3) 37°C (diluted with diluent) -----» 20°C (glycerol addition and equilibration) --->» 0°C — -79°C 4) 37°C (diluted with diluent) ---~> 5°C (glycerol addition and equilibration) ---» 0°C — - -79°C B) Four thawing methods of the chicken semen a) -79°C - 37°C b) -79°C - 5°C (keeping gently for 5mins.) ——M M, 37°C c) -79°C - — - 20°C d) -79°C — 5°C (keeping gently for 5 mins.) 20°C Remarks: ...... > shows the falling of temperature 1°C/minute > shows the quick rising and falling of temperature n77