Table 2, Relationship between storage time of pelleted semen i and fertility (56 days” non return) \ ] Season for the use of the semen Number of N.R.* Total number Storage time Average 56 No. of weeks af- determinations of insemina- weeks days” N.R. b i ter Jan, 1st tions Aver— i | age Range 8 145 8972 16 4-76 62 -0.11 0,32 12 148 9449 14 4-T72 64 +0.,00 0.01 16 142 9404 12 4-52 66 -0.07 0.14 20 106 7138 18 4-60 67 +0.,07 0.07 24 3 [ 7925 18 4-64 e -0.05 0,47 28 86 6301 25 4-68 73 -0.03 0.13 32 80 5653 30 8-68 71 -0.02 0.27 36 64 4655 41 4-76 73 +0.05 0.20 40 51 3843 33 4-80 75 -0.07 0.29 44 7 523 37 8-84 75 -0.03 0.10 Z_ 2z = 174 o, .. H. TN W), U L0): ot T VO O R g g 2 n *) At least 20 inseminations per determination