The diluted semen was equilibrated for approximately 24 hours at 5°C. The straws were filled, sealed and finally frozen vertically in liquid nitrogen vapour (4) before storage and distribution in liquid nitrogen. The second trial differed from the first only in that 5 x 10° spermatozoa per insemination were used instead of 30 x 10® and the employment, with one exception, of different inseminators. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS. The results of the two trials are summarised in the following table :- Eirst iTrial Second Trial No. Spermatozoa Firsts C/R* Firsts G/R% 30 x 106 557 78.6 20 x 106 527 78.6 550 72:3 10 x 106 565 79.5 533 74.5 5 x 106 - - 532 76.5 * 28 day non-return percentage There is no evidence from these trials that a reduction in spermatozoa numbers per insemination from 30 to 5 millions had any effect on the 28 day non-return rate percentage when using semen frozen in 0.5 ml. straws. It will be noted, particularly in the second trial, that the overall conception rate was a little lower than that which is considered desirable. This work was based on total spermatozoa per ml. because the authors prefer an objective assessment of numbers to a subjective estimate of motile spermatozoa, particularly as the true characteristics of spermatozoa cannot be gauged microscopically. These studies are based on the assumption that the semen collected for freezing and the processing techniques will be, at least, of a high standard. Since this is an interim report too much should not be read into these results but the studies will continue till the smallest number of spermatozoa compatible with normal fertility is reached. Then, using the experience and confidence gained, larger scale field fertility trials involving much greater 1168