Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. II THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF SPERMATOZOA PER FROZEN SEMEN INSEMINATION COMPATIBLE WITH NORMAL FERTILITY IN CATTLE D.L.STEWART and G.H.BENNETT Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Cattle Breeding Centre, Shinfield, Reading, England. The object of the cattle artificial insemination services is the improvement of livestock by extending the use of superior sires. This is achieved by the dilution or extension of semen and its subsequent storage before use. In this context the minimum number of spermatozoa per insemination consistent with optimum fertility is of interest. The literature has been reviewed (1) and (2) in respect of liquid semen and it was considered that about 10 million spermatozoa per insemination was in fact the minimum. More recently it was reported that satisfactory non-return rates with as few as 2.5 millién spermatozoa per insemination could be obtained using semen extended in the "Caprogen" diluent (3). Less extensive studies have been made with frozen semen. The consensus of opinion has considered that 30 to 45 million is the optimum number although there are a few satisfactory reports on the use of 20 million per insemination. This paper gives the results to date of a series of field fertility trials designed to study this subject in relation to the use of semen frozen in French straws and to determine at which number of spermatozoa fertility shows a definite decrease. METHODS . In the initial trial the three treatments were 30 x 106, 20 x 109 and 10 x 10° total spermatozoa respectively per 0.5 ml. straw. Two semen collections from each of three bulls were used and the treatments balanced between bulls, collections and the six inseminators engaged in the work. Immediately after collection the number of spermatozoa per ml. was assessed by the use of a photo-electric absorptiometer then the ejaculates, after primary dilution, were split. The final composition of the diluent was 25 parts egg yolk, 65 parts 3.6 per cent. sodium citrate (Nag CgHg07.2H50) solution and 10 parts glycerol to which was added 500 pg streptomycin sulphate per ml. 167