Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF.,, PARIS, 1968, VOL. i MOTION PICTURES OF EJACULATION IN THE BULL G.E. SEIDEL, JR. and R.H. FOOTE Department of Animal Science, Cornell University Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. The mechanics and pattern of ejaculation in the bull has not been thoroughly studied. Bonadonna (2) used a glass extension on an artificial vagina (A.V.) and observed that semen emission normally occurred at the time of maximum penis extension. Considerable "loss of sperm may result in routine semen collection due to improper size of A.V. and variability in site of semen deposition (G55) 5= High speed motion pictures of ejaculation were taken to examine the following: 1. Length of penis extension. o, Stimulus time, which is defined as the time from first con- tact of the penis with the A.V. until semen emission takes place. 3, Actual semen emission time. 4, Overall pattern of ejaculation. 5. Effects of improper tactile stimulation on ejaculation. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Color motion pictures were taken, generally at 64 frames per second, through a transparent lucite tube 45 cm long which was connected to an A.V. Eight bulls were collected twice weekly at 50-minute intervals for six weeks using either a mechanical dummy or another bull as a teaser. The lucite extension tube was connected to an A.V. 30 cm in length at 55°C as well as an A.V. 15 cm long warmed to 40°C in order to photograph the effects of different stimuli on ejaculation patterns. Sexual preparation was held constant. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Several of the mean responses which could be determined from the film are shown in Table 1. Differences among TABLE 1. CHARACTERIZATION OF BOVINE EJACULATIONE/ e Criteria Length of penis ex- Stimulus Emission Number of tension time time Components ejaculates Cl. secC. seC. Grand Mean 48 53l 1.0 «29 Highest bull 6 59.5% 1.3%% 39 Lowest bull 6 50.0 0.8 ] First ejaculates 24 54.8 0.9 «29 Second ejaculates 24 52.0 131 29 al Based on 48 ejaculates with a mean volume of 6.4 ml and a mean sperm concentration of 1575 x 10 sperm/ml. g = R B 0 {0 T 153