COMPARISON OF REGULAR Vs. SPIN FREEZING TABLE |I. trolling the apparatus was switched on causing the canes of ampules to spin. This caused sudden mixing and coating of the ampules of the semen in thin layers leaving a hollow core in the middle of the ampule. The semen was stored both in vapour and under liquid nitrogen. The semen was thawed by immersing and rotating the container or the ampule in a 4o C water bath. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of the regular freezing and spin freezing are shown in Table |. The improve- ment in freeze recovery was significantly higher with the spin freezing method. The semen froze and thawed spontaneously with the spin freezing method. The uniform cooling and simultaneous nucleation in the spin freezing was also probably the cause of the improvement in recovery. The spin freezing technique's usefulness lies in its possible application to poor quali- ty semen, for optimum recovery and for freezing semen in large volumes. REFERENCES I. Meryman, H. T. Ice crystal formation in frozen tissues. Lect. Rev. Ser. No. 53:3. (1953). 2. Meryman, H. T. In Recent research in freezing and drying. P.23, A. S. Parkes and A. U. Smith, eds. (1960). 3. Luyet, B. J.. Biodynamica 6:169 (1949). 4, Meryman, H. T. and E. Kafig. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 90:587. (1955). 5. Mayeer, P., Rhian, M. A. and Mahalandt, B. G. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 711:31. (1957). 6. Rajamannan, A.H. J., Graham, E. F., and F. Smith. Vth Inter. Congress on Animal Reprod. 4:392. (1964). 7. Nagase, H. and Graham, E. F. Vth Inter. Congress on Animal Reprod. 4:387. (1964). 1146