5.2% eosin yellowish was more suitable than the other concentrations, as it was more coinciding with motility. 6.The difference between results obtained by the use of other con- centrations and the motility was statistically significant. 7.The difference between the live sperm percentage obtained by 2% eozin yellowish and that obtained by any other concentration was also significant (P<0.01). 8.There was a high negative correlation between concentration of eosin yellowish and percentage of live sperm (r=-0.951). g.Concentrations higher than 8% of eosin yellowish tended to make the structure of the sperm ohscure. 10.After a long duration re-examination of the smears revealed a lowered percentage of live sperm. The results with eosin bluish were as follows: 1.The highest percentage of live spern (53.00%0.42%) was obtained by using 1% eosin bluish, the lowest percentage (10.37%0.25%) was obtained by 10% eosin bluish. 2.There was also a significant negative correlation between concen- tration of the stain and percentage of live sperm (r=-0.985). According to these results not any member of the fluorescein group can be used for differential staining of buffalo semen. Eosin yellowish is more efficient for this purpose than eosin bluish. Eosin bluish appears to be toxic to buffalo sperm. This may be attributed to the chlorine atoms present in the molecular structure of eosin bluish. The chlorine atoms can lower the resistance of the cellular membranes, consequently increasing the permeability of the spermatozoa. 1126