3.The lowest percentage of live sperm was 54.36:0.21%, obtained by using congo red - eosin. 4.The use of methyl blue-eosin led to intermediate results. The percentage of live spern was 57,9120, 21%. S5.Nigrosin imparted a dark blackish background to the smear, methyl blue imparted a bluish one and congo red a reddish background. 6.The use of the 3 compound stains led to different correlations between motility and percentage of live sperm. In case of eosin- nigrosin there was a significant positive correlation, r=+0.968, with methyl blue-sosin r=+0.089 and with congo red-eosin r=-0.029, Among the above checked compound stains, eosin-nigrosin was more suitable as it led to the highest percentage of live sperm, more coinciding with motility. The use of eosin-nigrosin alsoc led to a high positive correlation between motility and percentage of live sperm. Moreover by applying nigrosin as a background stain, a better field for sperm differentiation was obtained by providing contrast to the sperm. Nigrosin imparted a dark blackish background, facilitating the differential count of buffalo spermatozoa. Sone morphologic studies could be nerformed on buffalo spermatozoa with a stained background. 1124