supernatant removed and the sperm rediluted to approximate the volume of the unmixed pooled sample collected immediately after thawing. Re-extended sperm in CME was poured into 2 ml. plastic vials and stored in the dark at room temperatures. Lyophylization of coconut milk (water) was done as described by D. GROVE (3). RESULTS., Table 1. Summary of Conception Results in Countries Utilizing the CME Technique Years CME has been No. Ist Inseminations 207715 13, 405 Country 45,000 30,150 67 (based on 60-90 day non-return) 8,900 5,073 57(based on Preg- Mysore, 61-bosed on Preg- India nancy examinations Westx x 3,869 2,790 72(based on 60-90 Germany day non-return) ® % conception is average for sperm which were 1-5 days old at the time of insemination % % Inseminations made with reconstituted lyophylized coconut milk (water) which had been stored 1-2 yrs. prior to reconstitution. Table 1 indicates that in those countries which have adopted CME for routine use in their A.l. centers during the past five years the rate of conception has, without exception, been maintained at a satisfactory level. The higher rate of non-return reported for West Germany may be attributed to the better nutritional level of the animals involved and better control of diseases effecting reproductive performance. Dr. G rove who conducted the experiment pointed out that all of the experi- m ents were split sample experiments, and that the room temperature 120