Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. lI cally and easily with CME which doesn't require refrigeration. Addi- tional trials are currently in progress to obtain a clearer picture of how the rate of conception in buffaloes is affected by season and sperm age. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. COCKRILL, W.R. (1966). New Scientist. 2. NORMAN, C. (1964). Proc. Vth Int. Congr. on Anim.Reprod. and Art. Insem., _|l/: 269-274. ACKNOWLED GEMENTS: This project was jointly sponsored by a USAID Contract to the University of Tennessee, the Mysore State Department of Animal Hus- bandry, and the Mysore University of Agricultural Sciences. The authors wish to thank Dr. Linganna, Department of Animal Husbandry for his assistance in collecting and analyzing the pregnancy data.