the pellet and the rapid than those in the slow freezing. The results do not confirm the author's last report (6). The reasons are not clear, but it may be due to differences among bulls, seasons and no. of samples, From the results, cryo- protectives could be divided into two groups. One group gave good protection only in fast freezing (sugar, sugal alcohols and inositol) and the other gave same results only in slow freezing (ethylene glycol and glycerol). Difference in the protection by freezing rates between the two groups may be due to differences in the eutectic points. The results also mean that bull spermatozoa withstands fast freezing, but glycerol decreased this capacity. In almost all reports on freezing of bull semen, these authors asserted that bull semen has to be frozen at slow to prevent '"cold shock'. But these experiment were made using only glycerol as the protective agent. Fertility results of the pelleted semen are given in Table 1. In this trial, 0.932-1.63 (108) of spermatozoa was used at a insemination. Conception rates using non-glycerol egg-yolk sugar extenders were good and about the same as those for fresh semen., REFERENCES (1) H. NAGASE, 1962, Proceed. 54th Meet, Jap. Soci. Vet. Sci., 24,505 (Abst.) In Japanese (2) H. NAGASE, T. TOMIZUKA, K. TAMURA, R. ASANUMA and S. SHIRAI, 1966, Jap, J. Zootech. Sci. 37, (Supplement) 34, In Japanese (3) H. NAGASE, T. NIWA, S. YAMASHITA and S. IRIE, 1964, Proceed. 5th Intern Congr. Anim. Reprod, and A. I., 4,387 (4) H. NAGASE, T. TOMIZUKA, H. OSHIDA and T. MIKAWA, 1966, Kanto Division Jap. Assn. Zootech. Sci. No. 2, 11, In Japanese (5) H. NAGASE, 1966, Japan Agric. Res. Quat., 1, No. 2, 1 (6) H. NAGASE, T. NIWA, S. YAMASHITA and S. IRIE, 1964, Proceed. 5th Intern. Congr. Anim, Reprod. and A. I., 4,498 In Fig. 1, X,F,G,G1,M,5,L,R and Gly. indicate xylose,fructose, galactose,glucose,maltose, sucrose,lactose,raffinose and glycerol, respectively. m2