Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. II PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF SUGARS AGAINST FREEZING INJURY OF BULL SPERMATOZOA H. NAGASE, S, YAMASHITA* and S. IRIE* National Institute of Animal Industry, Chiba-shi, Japan * Saitama Zootech. Expt. Stat., Kohnanmura, Ohsatogun, Saitama Prefecture Protective effects of sugars on spermatozoan survival with pellet freezing were demonstrated by Nagase (1) and Nagase et al (2-4) in the bull, goat and stallion, Two trials were conducted to elucidate the sugar protection effect on survival and fertility of spermatozoa in the pellet and with other freezing procedures. MATERIALS and METHODS. To elucidate the sugar protection in different freezing methods, Holsteln semen which was extended 1:2 with yolk (20%)-sugar extenders soon after collection, precooled to 5°C and equilibrated for 10 hrs, was frozen in three different methods. Samples were thawed at 40°C. And the post- thaw motility was observed at samples, which was added the thawing media after thaw. Sugar and concentrations tested were 7.5% pentose and hexose, 10% disaccharides and 18% raffinose, Egg-yolk citrate extender containing 0.31M (final level) of glycerol was used as a control. The freezing methods were slow versus the pellet and rapid freezing (dropping into liquid nitrogen). Volume of semen was 0,1 ml both in slow and in pellet, and 0,013-0.015 ml in the rapid method used for freezing. Freezing rates of the semen were 5-7°C and 25°C per minute in the slow and the pellet, respectively. In the rapid method, the semen was dropped on liquid nitrogen where it floated for 20 seconds and then sank, In the fertility trial, 0.2 ml of the semen was extended 1:2 with egg yolk-lactose (10%), -raffinose (18%) and -lactose containing glycerol (5.25%---control) extender, precooled to 586 and equilibrated for 6 hrs. All were frozen in pellet form. The pelleted semen was preserved in crushed dry ice for 7<54 days and thawed by adding two pellets to 0,6 ml of the thawing media (5) kept at 35°C just before insemination. RESULTS and DISCUSSION, Results comparing sugar protection by different freezing methods are given in Fig, 1. Glycerol in 0.31M in the control shows good protection in the slow freezing and pellet method, but was low in the rapld freezing. In the contrast to glycerol, all sugars indicated remarkably better protection in m