The post-thaw motility of the spermatozoa was very low when egg-yolk polyol solution were used as freezing extenders without any basic solutes. Fig. 2 indicates that the post-thaw motility in a trial testing xylitol effects in isotonic basic solutions, such as citrate, tris buffer and glucose media containing 20% yolk. Although the best survival level in each medium was different, the best motility in the post<~thaw semen was about the same in three basic solutions and was improved markedly compared to those in egg-yolk xylitol solution without basic solutes. REFERENCES (1) A. U. SMITH and C. POLGE, 1950, Nature, 166,668 (2) C. W. EMMENS and A. W. BLACKSHAW, 1950, Aust. Vet, J. 26,226 (3) H. NAGASE, 1966, Japan Agric, Res, Quart, 1, No. 2, 1 (4) TI. S, DAVIS, R, W, BRATTON and R, H, FOOTE, 1963, J, Dairy Sci. 46,324 (5) C. POLGE and M. A, SOLTYS, 1960, Recent. Res. Freez. and Dry. ed. parks and Smith, 87, Blackwell Sci. Publ. (6) H. NAGASE, 1966, Jap. J, Anim, Reprod., 11 (supplement), 2, (In Japanese) 1104