Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. I PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF POLYOLS AGAINST FREEZING INJURY OF BULL SPERMATOZOA I. PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF XYLITOL H. NAGASE National Institute of Animal Industry, Chiba-shi, Japan There are very few observations on protective effects of polyhydric alcohols on survival of spermatozoa during freezing, and they have afforded only limited protection (1, 2y Triats were conducted to elucidate the protection of polyols on survival of bull spermatozoa in the pellet freezing. MATERIALS and METHODS., To determine optimum level of polyols, Holstein semen was diluted 1:9 with yolk (20%)-polyol (erythritol, adnitol, xylitol, mannitol, sorbitol and inositol) extender. The concentrations of each polyols were used from isoosmotic level to 3.72M. The diluted semen was incubated for one hr. at 20°C and then spermatozoan motility was estimated, In freezing trial 1, the diluted semen at the ratio 1;2 with yolk (20%)-polyols was precooled to 5°C and frozen in pellet form, 0.1 ml size, after 3 hrs of equilibration. The pelleted frozen semen was thawed on a metal plate kept at 40°C and the motility was estimated on the thawed samples with and without the thawing solution (3). In freezing trial 2, the semen extenders used were egg-yolk isotonic basic media (sod. citrate, tris buffer (4), and glucose) plus different levels of xylitol. RESULTS and DISCUSSION, Fig. 1 shows the spermatozoan motility in different levels of polyols—egg yolk solution without basic solutes after one hr. incubation at 20°C. Best motility of each polyols was obtained in levels of 0.31M inositol and mannitol, 0.62M in sorbitol, and 2.48M in xylitol, adnitol and erythritol. These phenomena suggest that these sugar alcohols are permeable to bull spermatozoa to differing degrees, Samples using low molecular polyols (erythritol, xylitol and adnitol) in all levels showed lower motilities of spermatozoa than those of higher molecular ones (inositol, mannitol and sorbitol). Polge (5) and Nagase (6) reported that bull spermatozoa died immediately after dilution with egg yolk-ethylene glycol or - glycerol (lower molecular substances than the sugar alcohols) solution without any basic solutes, such as citrate and salt., Inositol seemed to does not permeate to the spermatozoa. 1103