Table 2. Storage interval The effects of ageing on the fertility of fresh and frozen bull semen Characteristics Fresh semen Frozen semen 7-14 days 6 months 1098 1l year 2 years 4 years 8 years 12 years Cows bred Fertility, Cows bred Fertility, Cows bred Fertility, Cows bred Fertility, Cows bred Fertility, Cows bred Fertility, Cows bred Fertility, Cows bred Fertility, % % % % % % % % 24H 38 {849 20 65.0 39 7859 22 54.5 20 5504/0 319 47.4 20 45,0 50510 Bull identification H101 39 64.1 A 80.9 22 7753 20 90.0 21 61053 274 619 21 71.4 50.0 H88 42 F8rerd £9 788 17 70.6 19 TSV 1iée) 8935 18 5010 22 686 il 36.4 H89 32 50,0 20 40.0 211 66.7 21 Sk 22 54.5 18 Bt 22 63.6 40.0 Totals and H103 Means 24 175 62.5 66.8 19 99 63w 6516 18 O 5556116938 20 102 5520 16632 20 102 70406602 20 96 6O NOMNTE G 2% 106 SR 59 - 24 -— 41.7