CONCLUSION, Based on the conditions and results of this trial, it would appear that it would be advantageous to freeze semen packaged in plastic straws by a method employing a liquid medium for heat transfer, This observation is similar to effects observed previously for bovine semen packaged in glass ampoules (&), TABLE I ANALYSIS OF VARTANCE FOR PER CENT OF LIVE SPERMATOZOA IN SAMPLES PACKAGED IN STRAWS Source daf aeMoSet - Freezing Method (A) 1 8431 ,87% . Extender (B) 1 2235 Time of evaluationl (C) 1 889,90 AxB 1 565,76 AxC ! 25,63 BxC g 3282 AxBxC 1 8,10 Residual 544 597e85 1 Before and after 5 hours incubation, * P e=404054 REFERENCES, 1, Macpherson, J, W, (1960), Sterile Milk As A Semen Diluent, Gansr Vetlhudoures Vol d simes i1 2s 2, Rajamannan, A, H, J., Graham, F,, and Smith, F, (1964). The Effect of a New Extender Incorporating Dried Egg Yolk On The Fertility of Bovine Spermatozoa, V Congress Int, An, Reprod, and Art, Insemination, Trento, 3, Hackett, A, J,, and Macpherson, J, W, (1964), A Method For Differential Staining Of Bovine Spermatozoa After Extension In Sterile Milk, 'Can, Vet, Jour, Vol, 6, noe 5. 4, Macpherson, J, W, (1962), Some Observations of Procedures For Freezing And Handling Bovine Semen, XXV Ano, Instito Spermentale Italiano, 1086